Wednesday, November 26, 2008

jSuneido Bugs

After I got to the point where I could start up the IDE on a Windows client from the jSuneido server, I thought it would be a short step to getting the test suite to run. (other than the tests that relied on rules and triggers which aren't implemented yet)

What I should have realized is that running the IDE, while impressive (to me, anyway), doesn't really exercise much of the server. It only involves simple queries, primarily just reading code from the database. Whereas the tests, obviously, exercise more features.

And so I've been plugging away getting the tests to pass, one by one, by fixing bugs in the server. Worthwhile work, just not very exciting.

Most of the bugs from yesterday resulted from me "improving" the code as I ported it from C++ to Java. The problem is, "improving" code that you don't fully understand is a dangerous game. Not surprisingly, I got burnt.

Coincidentally, almost all of yesterdays bugs related to mutable versus immutable data. The C++ code was treating certain data as immutable; it would create a new version rather than change the original. When I ported this code, I thought it would be easier/better to just change the original. The problem was that the data was shared, and changing the original affected all the places it was shared, instead of just the one place where I wanted a different version. Of course, in simple cases (like my tests!) the data wasn't shared and it worked fine.

Some of the other problems involved ByteBuffer. I'm using ByteBuffer as a "safe pointer" to a chunk of memory (which may be memory mapped to a part of the database file). But ByteBuffer has bunch of extra baggage, including a current "position", a "mark position", and a "limit". And it has a bunch of extra methods for dealing with these. It wouldn't be so bad if you could ignore these extras. But you can't, because even simple things like comparing buffers only compare based on the current "position". Of course, it's my own fault because obviously somewhere I'm doing something that changes that position. Bringing me back to the mutability issue.

For the most part I think that the Java libraries are reasonably well designed. Not perfect, but I've seen a lot worse. But for my purposes it would be better if there was a lighter weight "base" version of ByteBuffer without all the extras.

I can see someone saying that I'm "misusing" ByteBuffer, that since I'm coming from C/C++ and I'm trying to get back my beloved pointers. But I don't think that's the case. The reason for using ByteBuffer this way is that it's the only way to handle memory mapped files.

I guess one option would be to limit the use of ByteBuffer to just the memory mapped file io, and to copy the data (e.g. into byte arrays) to use everywhere else. But having to copy everything kind of defeats the purpose of using memory mapped access. Not to mention it would require major surgery on the code :-(

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