Friday, September 02, 2016

Old School

As I progress on suneido.js I'm accumulating a number of miscellaneous commands I need to run regularly. So far I've avoided any kind of build tool. I started writing shell scripts (OS X) and batch files (Windows) which worked but is ugly. And led to git problems with executable permissions.

So I started looking at build tools. The big one these days seems to be Gulp but so far I don't need its fancy streaming and plugins. So I searched for something simpler, and came across a comment that said something to the effect "if you're from those days, you could use make". They likely meant it in a derogatory way, but it made sense to me. I already have make on Windows and OS X and know how to use it. And it's dead simple to use it to simply run a few commands.

So now I can run "make bundle" or "make test". It's perfect for what I need. The hip kids can shake their heads all they want.

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