Saturday, December 17, 2022

Go Tip

Lets say you have a function:

func ShouldNotReachHere() {
    panic("should not reach here")

And you try to use it like:

func Fn(x int) int {
    switch x {
    case 1:
        ... return ...
    case 2:
        ... return ...

Unfortunately, that won't work. You'll get a "missing return" error when you try to compile. That's because the compiler doesn't know that ShouldNotReachHere never returns. (Actually, it does know that when it's compiling ShouldNotReachHere, but it doesn't keep track of that information.) C++ has [[noreturn]] to specify that but currently Go doesn't have an equivalent.

You could add a dummy return statement but I find that misleading since it will never actually return anything.

What I tend to do is add a dummy return type to ShouldNotReachHere (it's not critical what type since you're not actually using it).

func ShouldNotReachHere() int {
    panic("should not reach here")

and then use it like:


If that was the only way you used it, then ShouldNotReachHere could just be a string constant. But defining it this way means you're not forced to use panic. (And if it was a function returning the string, then you could forget to use panic.)

Sunday, December 04, 2022

Blogging, Suneido, and Programming Languages

Another blogger I follow has announced they are stopping blogging. It's sad (to me) how the world has shifted away from blogging. Of course, there are still active blogs, but far fewer than there were. I thought maybe the pandemic would give people time to do more blogging but it didn't seem to work that way. Of course, it always surprised me that smart productive busy people would take the time to write good blog posts.

I'm no exception. I post less and less often, other than photographs on my non-work blog. But even that is a shift from my past longer text posts. Readers have dwindled too. (Not that I ever had a big audience.)

But looking back through some of my blog posts, I'm glad I wrote them even if hardly anyone read them. It's a bit like a sporadic diary, but more thoughtfully written than a personal diary would be. I started blogging in 2005. It would have been interesting to go back farther but even in 2005 the tech world was a different place than today.

Thinking about this led me back here. I was writing a document for my staff, and some of it seemed of slightly more general interest so I thought I'd write about it.

Here's roughly when the versions of Suneido went into "production" (used by customers)

  • 2000 cSuneido (C++)
  • 2010 jSuneido (Java)
  • 2020 gSuneido client (Go)
  • 2022 gSuneido server
  • 2022 suneido.js (browser client)

Two data points doesn't mean much, but it's interesting that it was roughly 10 years between the major versions. The concurrent release of suneido.js is because another programmer did the development. (I started it, but developing both gSuneido and suneido.js at the same time was too much.)

All three implementation languages (C++, Java, Go) were in their early stages when I started using them. I was lucky that all went on to become mainstream. Some of the other languages I considered, such as C#/.Net and Kotlin have also been successful. Scala and D not as much, although they're still around.

C++ is a fascinating language. But it's too complex and it's unsafe. Life is too short. (gSuneido does have some unsafe code to interface with Windows and it has been the source of the hardest bugs.)

Java has a world class runtime with a great garbage collector and JIT compiler. But the language itself is not really a good fit for low level systems programming. gSuneido, with a simple byte code interpreter and no JIT still manages to outperform jSuneido. If Project Valhalla ever gets released that will help. But it's been "coming soon" since 2014.

Go felt like a bit of a gamble at the time. The garbage collector wasn't very good and neither was performance. But the language was a good fit for implementing Suneido. And it seemed like Google was committed to it. Although I wish it was a little less of a one-company language.

One of the things that bugged me about Go was its lack of generics. But now that it has them, I don't really use them that much. The people that resisted generics would say "I told you so". But it did simplify certain kinds of code and I'm still glad to have it when I need it. 

I wish Go had better support for immutability. C++ and Java aren't much better but at least they have a little bit. Immutability (and pure functions) are one of the best tools to handle concurrency, and concurrency is supposed to be Go's strong point. I think there's potential for a conventional mainstream language with strong immutability. I realize there are functional languages with strong immutability, but so far they're not really mainstream.

The big thing these days is Rust, but Suneido is garbage collected, and unless you want to write your own garbage collector (no thanks, been there, done that) the implementation language also needs to be garbage collected.

As far as the Suneido language itself, I think it has stood the test of time reasonably well. It was never intended to be especially novel or original, although at the time object-oriented programming and dynamic languages were leading edge. There have been a few minor adjustments to the language, a bit of syntactic sugar here and there, but for the most part code written 20 years ago would still run today. There are a few things I'd change but overall, when I program in Suneido, there's not a lot I wish was different.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

The Value of Fuzz Testing

Coincidentally after my Go Fuzz post yesterday, today I see:

Why Did the OpenSSL Punycode Vulnerability Happen

Buffer overruns aren't a problem with Go (unless you're using unsafe) but the lesson still applies. I should spend more time writing fuzz tests. Especially when the Go tools make it easy.

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Go Fuzz

Go 1.18 included a new fuzz testing facility. (overshadowed by generics.) I haven't used it a lot but it has been helpful in a few cases. For example, I used it to test gSuneido's regular expression code and found a number of obscure bugs.

A few days ago, one of our customers got a runtime bounds error from parsing a date. This code has been running in production for years without seeing this error so presumably it was something obscure. The date parsing code is a little complicated because dates can be written many different ways. The error log didn't have the bad input, but it did have a call stack, so it probably wouldn't have been too hard to find the issue manually. But I was curious whether fuzzing would find it. And if there was one bug, maybe there were more.

To keep it simple, I didn't check for correct results, so the test was just looking for panics.

One of the things that should be simple, but I found confusing, was how to actually run fuzz tests. I'm not sure if it's the simplest, but this seems to work:

go test -fuzz=FuzzParseDate -run=FuzzParseDate

Within a few seconds the fuzz test found an input that would cause a panic.


That's probably not what the customer entered, but it was the same bug, and easily fixed once I could recreate it.

I let it run until it was no longer finding "interesting" inputs which took a few minutes. It didn't find any more bugs.

Ideally the test would be checking for correct output, not just lack of panics. But that requires a second implementation, which I don't have. Sometimes you can round-trip e.g. encode/decode but that wouldn't work in this case.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Git + Windows + Parallels + make + msys sh + Go

Git recently made a security fix. Unfortunately, it broke things for a lot of people, including me. Just in case anyone else has a similar obscure setup (and for my own notes), here's how I solved my issue.

My configuration is a bit off the beaten path.

  • I am working on a Mac
  • I have my git repos in Dropbox
  • I use Parallels to build and test on Windows
  • I use make to run my go build
  • make is using msys sh as its shell

As of 1.18 Go includes vcs info in builds. So when I ran a Go build on Windows, it would fail with:

# cd x:\gsuneido; git status --porcelain
fatal: unsafe repository ('//Mac/Dropbox/gsuneido' is owned by someone else)
To add an exception for this directory, call:
        git config --global --add '%(prefix)///Mac/Dropbox/gsuneido'
error obtaining VCS status: exit status 128
        Use -buildvcs=false to disable VCS stamping.

Adding -buildvcs=false did get the builds working, but it seemed ugly to disable a Go feature to work around a Git issue. It also didn't help if I wanted to do other Git commands.

I struggled with adding the I wasn't sure if %(prefix) was literal or was a variable. I also wasn't sure about whether it should be forward slashes or back slashes and how many (a perpetual issue on Windows). And I wasn't sure about the quoting. Eventually, I just edited my .gitconfig with a text editor.

Here's what worked:

	directory = %(prefix)///Mac/Dropbox/gsuneido

Now I could do git commands.

But my build still failed with the same error!?

make is using msys sh as its shell. And sure enough, from within sh, I was back to the same error. git config --global --list didn't show my safe directory. That turned out to be because my home directory from inside sh was different. If I ran git config --global --add from within sh, then it created another .gitconfig in /home/andrew. Now I could run git commands from sh, and now my build works.

I'm a little nervous about having multiple .gitconfig files, one on Mac, one for Windows, and one for sh on Windows but I don't have anything critical in there, so hopefully it'll be ok.

I'm all for security fixes, and I try to keep up to date, but it's definitely frustrating when it breaks stuff.

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

A Better LRU Cache for gSuneido

When I was working on gSuneido performance I discovered that the LRU cache in the standard library was one of the hot spots.

It was a simple design - a hash map of keys to values, plus an array of keys to track which was least recently used. When I wrote it, many years ago, it was just a quick addition. I had no idea it would be a heavily used bottleneck. Usage increased a lot when we added the easy ability to memoize a function.

I actually had to work backwards to find that LruCache was a bottleneck. What I first discovered (with the Go memory profiler) was that deepEqual was doing the majority of allocation. It was being called by SuObject Equal. The allocation was to track which comparisons were in progress to avoid handle self referential data. I was able to tweak deepEqual to greatly reduce the allocation. That removed the majority of the bottleneck.

But why were there so many object comparisons? I added debugging to print the Suneido call stack every 100 comparisons. It was coming from object.Remove which was being called by LruCache. To maintain its LRU list, it would move items to the most-recently-used end of the list by removing them and re-adding them. Since this was just an array, to find the item to remove it, it did a linear search. i.e. a lot of comparisons. Originally, caches had mostly been small, as you could tell from the default size of 10. But now the most common size was 200. 10 is reasonable for linear search, 200 is not so good.

In addition, originally keys were simple values like strings. But keys often ended up being several values in an object. The combination of linear searches through long arrays of composite values is what led to the bottleneck.

I decided to make LruCache built-in i.e. written in Go. But I also needed a new design that would avoid the linear searches. The normal way to track LRU is with a double linked list. I started in that direction but linked lists are not a good fit for modern CPU’s. Because the entries are individually allocated they are scattered in memory which leads to CPU cache misses. Contiguous arrays are much better because memories are optimized for sequential access. You could store the linked list entries in a contiguous block, but you still have the overhead of pointers (or indexes) and you still don't have locality or sequential access.

I ended up with the following design.

  • an unordered array of key, value pairs (entries)
  • a hash map of keys to entry indexes (hmap)
  • an array of entry indexes in LRU order

A successful lookup becomes slightly more complex - look in the hash table for the entry index, and then get the value from the entries array. Finally, we have to find that entry index in the lru array (a linear search but of small integers) and move it to the most recently used end.

The hash table lookup will still require comparing multiple argument objects, but much fewer than a linear search.

To replace the oldest item, we take the entry index from the least recently used end of the lru array. From that entry we get the key to remove it from the hash table. And we reuse that slot in the entries array to store the new key and value.

The new built-in LruCache was about 100 times faster than the old one. Overall, it improved the speed of our application test suite by about 5%. That’s pretty good for a couple days work.

ASIDE: There are two main aspects to a cache. The focus is usually on which items to evict i.e. least recently used or least frequently used. The other aspect is which items to add. The normal assumption is that you add everything. But actually, you really only want to add items you’re going to be asked for again. Otherwise you’re evicting potentially useful items. We can’t predict the future, but we can assume that items we see twice are more likely to be seen again. One approach is to use a bloom filter to track which keys you’ve seen and only add to the cache ones you’ve seen before.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Checking Immutable Data

The database implementation in the Go version of Suneido relies a lot on immutable data that is shared between threads without locking.

The problem is that Go has no support for immutability. It doesn’t have const like C++ or even final like Java. (Go has const but only for simple numbers and strings.)

I was seeing some sporadic crashes and corruption. One possible cause was something accidentally modifying the theoretically immutable data. The immutable database state is a large complex set of linked structures processed by a lot of complex code. As with a lot of immutable persistent data structures you don’t copy the entire structure to make a new version, you basically path copy from each spot you want to change up the tree to the root. It's easy to miss copying something and end up mistakenly modifying the original.

I had recently been using checksums (hashes) to verify that the data read from the database file was identical to the data before it was written. (To verify the reading and writing code, not to check for hardware errors.)

I realized I could use the same checksums to detect erroneous changes to the immutable state. I ran a background go routine that looped forever, fetched the state (atomically), computed its checksum, waited a short time (e.g. 100 ms) and then computed the hash again (on the same state). If something had incorrectly mutated the state the checksum would be different.

And I actually found a few bugs that way :-)

Although unfortunately they were not the ones that were causing the crashes :-(