Friday, July 13, 2012

Implicit Dynamic Parameters

Don't worry if you don't understand the title - it's a term I just made up. Hopefully by the end of this post you'll know what I mean by it.

They say a big part of creativity is combining existing ideas in new ways. This idea is a combination of ideas from Suneido (via Lisp), Scala, and dependency injection.

Suneido has a little used feature where a variable that starts with an underscore is "dynamic", meaning it is available to functions that it calls, directly or indirectly. Nowadays, most languages are "statically" (i.e. lexically) scoped because that makes the code easier to understand. But Lisp (and probably other languages) had "dynamically" scoped variables where you could access variables from up the call stack.

We've never made much use of dynamic variables in Suneido and I regarded them as deprecated. I didn't even implement them in jSuneido. (Although that was partly because I thought it would be hard.) But lately I've been thinking of some uses for them, so I went back and implemented them in jSuneido. (It didn't turn out to be too hard.)

Meanwhile, Scala has something called "implicit parameters" where a parameter marked implicit can be automatically supplied by a suitable value in the current (lexical) scope. I didn't immediately see the benefits of that feature, but it does let you do some nice things.

I realized I could combine these ideas in Suneido and allow implicit parameters that can be supplied by dynamic variables. (But could still be passed "manually" as well.) A neat idea and I can see some uses, but no big deal.

Then, one of the books I'm reading was talking about dependency injection. Dependency injection relies on having some kind of "context" that does the injection. But where do you get the context from? Making it global is ugly, passing it around is ugly.

I realized that I could use my newly imagined dynamic implicit parameters to do dependency injection. Nice!

You could either use dynamic implicit parameters to inject actual dependencies, or in more complex scenarios, use it to pass some kind of context (or factory, or service locator).

For testing (or just more control) you can still pass the parameters manually.

It seems like a pretty slick idea, but of course, that's partly because it is still just an idea. The real test is when the rubber meets the road.

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