Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jot! iPad App

I'm not a very visual person when it comes to software and I don't use a lot of diagrams, but occasionally I find them useful to visualize something complex.

I have a bunch of iPad drawing apps (which is a little odd because I don't draw). The one I like for doing quick diagrams is Jot! Whiteboard by Tabula Rasa. There are both paid and free versions. (I also use Google Docs drawing program for more "formal" diagrams.)

What I like best is that you can move/copy/delete things (or groups of things) after you've drawn them. That's hard or impossible with a lot of "paint" type programs.

You can also easily add text boxes, which is handy for the kind of diagrams I draw.

Here's a couple of examples (the meaning isn't important)

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