Thursday, April 09, 2020

Editor Color Schemes

Have you noticed that editor color schemes tend to treat comments one of two ways?
  • downplay the comments e.g. low contrast gray text
  • emphasize the comments e.g. high contrast colored text
I suspect the tendency to downplay comments comes from coding styles that have a lot of "mandatory" comments, big blocks of boilerplate that isn't very relevant, or comments on almost every line. In this case the comments can obscure the actual code, so you want to downplay their visibility.

Whereas if the style is to have only a few, relatively important comments, then you want them to stand out.

Documentation comments are somewhere in between. Some editor/language combinations let you color documentation comments differently. That's easier with e.g. Javadoc where you use special /** commenting but harder with e.g. Go that just uses regular comments in specific contexts.

Top level documentation comments aren't usually a big issue because they aren't mixed with the code and don't obscure it too much. Given a choice I would make these "normal", neither important enough to highlight, nor distracting enough to downplay.

I can't find the reference now, but I saw something recently about an editor/ide (Jetbrains?) that allowed you to toggle between displaying doc comments either as formatted preview style, or as editable "raw" text. That seems like a good option. Most of the time you just want to read the doc comments and you don't want to see e.g. the Javadoc HTML tags. Go avoids this issue by using more or less plain text (a bit like Markdown) for their comments. A formatted preview style would differentiate documentation from code without downplaying it.

What's your style? Highlight comments or downplay comments?

Personally, I don't write a lot of comments and I like them to stand out.

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