Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A New Assert Package for Go


Back when I first started using Go I wrote an assert package similar to Hamcrest. You used it like:

Assert(t).That(x, Equals(y))

That has worked ok, but it has a few weaknesses. I blame it partly on being relatively new with Go when I wrote it.

  • It requires a dot import, which brings all its public names into the current package scope. That's not recommended because it pollutes the name space and can easily lead to name clashes. (Technically it doesn't "require" a dot import, but it would be very awkward to use otherwise.) The other problem with a dot import is that the code doesn't mention the package, so automatic imports don't work, so I end up copying the import from another file.
  • The way it works isn't really amenable to e.g. Intellisense in VS Code. You have to know the names of the functions (like Equals).
  • It's more complex than it really needs to be - matchers return closures, which is clever, but complicates the code and makes it harder to understand.
  • It's not amenable to use outside of tests, so I wrote another tiny verify package, which was similar but different.

I finally got irritated by it enough to write a new version that addresses these issues.

Here's how you use the new package:

assert.That(a || b)
assert.Msg("first time").That(a || b)

If you're doing multiple assertions and you don't want to specify .T(t) each time, you can do:

assert := assert.T(t)

The testing.T is optional (if it's not supplied errors just panic) so you can use asserts in regular code. (And I don't need my redundant verify package.)

Now VS Code Intellisense works much better. If you type assert. it will suggest appropriate functions like That, This, T, Msg. If you type assert.This(x). it will suggest Is, Isnt, Like, Panics.

One advantage of my old style is that you could write additional matchers in a separate package. But I never actually did this. And it's my code so if I need another matcher, I can just add it to the assert package.

One of the popular Go testing packages, Testify, uses a different style:

assert.Equals(t, x, y, "message")

There's nothing wrong with that style, and in some respects it's simpler. But I've never liked it, partly because it's unclear which is the actual value and which is the expected value.

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