Monday, December 14, 2020

Coverage for Suneido

Since the early days of Suneido I've thought that it would be good to have some kind of coverage tool. But for some reason, I never got around to implementing it.

Code coverage is usually associated with testing, as in "test coverage". Lately I've been seeing it in connection to coverage based fuzz testing.

But coverage can also be a useful debugging or code comprehension tool. When you're trying to figure out how some code works, it's often helpful to see which parts are executed for given inputs. You can also determine that by stepping through the code in a debugger, but if the code is large or complex, than can be tedious, and doesn't leave a record that you can study.

For some reason I started thinking about it again and wondering how hard it would be to implement in gSuneido.

One of my concerns was performance. If coverage is too slow, it won't be used. And obviously, I didn't want to slow down normal, non-coverage execution.

While simple coverage is good, I find statement execution counts more useful. Statement counts verge on profiling, although profiling is generally more concerned with measuring time (or memory).

That got me wondering about approaches to counters. One interesting technique I came across is Morris approximate counters. That would allow an effectively unlimited count in a single byte. But I decided that the nearest power of two is a little too crude. Although it's usually not critical that large counts are exact, it's often helpful to see that some code is being executed N times or N+1 times relative to other code or to inputs.

16 bit counts (up to 65,535) are probably sufficient but I didn't want wrap-around overflow. I knew arithmetic that doesn't overflow was a standard thing but I couldn't remember the name. Eventually I found it's called saturation arithmetic. Sometimes people talk about "clamping" values to maximums or minimums (from electronics).

Often, to minimize coverage work, tracking is done on basic blocks. Normally that's part of the compiler, but I didn't really want to mess with the compiler. It's complex already and I didn't want to obscure its primary function. I realized that instead, I could get equivalent functionality based on the branches in the byte code. Obviously if you branch, that's the end of a basic block. And where you branch to is the start of a basic block. So I only need to instrument the byte code interpreter in the branch instructions. Basically the interpreter marked the start of executed blocks (branch destinations) and the disassembler identifies the end of blocks (branch origins).

I decided this would be a fun weekend project and a break from working on the database code. That didn't work out so well. At first I made rapid progress and I had something working quite quickly. Then things went downhill.

If I was tracking at the byte code level, I needed to connect that back to the source level. I had a disassembler that could output mixed byte code and source code, so that seemed like the obvious place to do it. Then I found that the disassembler didn't actually work that well. I'd only ever used it as a tool to debug the compiler. I spent a bunch of time trying to make the disassembler cover all the cases.

Meanwhile, I was starting to get depressed that it was turning into such a mess. The more I worked on it, the uglier it got. I don't usually mind when I take a wrong turn or decide to throw out code. That's just the way it goes sometimes. But when I can't find a good solution, and things keep getting worse, then I'm not a happy camper.

In the end, I had something that mostly worked. I checked it into version control so I'd have a record of it, and then I deleted it. My idea of using branches to identify basic blocks was valid, but the actual implementation (that I came up with) was far from elegant.

I maybe should have given up at this point. The weekend was over, I had more important things to work on. But I still thought it would be a worthwhile feature. And if I came back to it later I'd just have to figure it out all over again.

Once I abandoned the ugly code I felt much better. I decided to take a simpler approach. I'd add an option to the code generation to insert "cover" instructions (instrumentation) at the beginning of each statement. That was just a few lines of code. Then I just needed to implement that instruction in the byte code interpreter - a handful more lines of code. The overhead was relatively small, somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 to 10 percent.

And that was the core of it. A bit more code to turn it on and off, and get the results. Way easier, simpler, and cleaner than my first "clever" approach. Hopefully it will prove to be a useful feature.

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