Monday, February 13, 2023

A Go Generics Technique

Say you want to make a generic hash map in Go. One of the questions is whether hash and equals should be methods on the key type, or whether they should be functions supplied when creating an instance. In general Go recommends passing functions. One of the advantages of this approach is that the functions can be closures which then have access to context.

In my cases I had a mix of uses. In several cases I already had hash and equals methods (from a previous incarnation). In several other cases I need context so closures would be better.

After a certain amount of head scratching I came up with a way to handle both.

Normally a generic hash map would be parameterized by key and value types. I added a third "helper" type. This type supplies the hash and equals functions. I created two helpers - one that calls methods on the key, and one that stores references to supplied hash and equals functions.

To use this the helper type you need an instance. A neat Go trick is that the helper that calls the methods can be struct{} - a valid type that is zero size, so no space overhead.

Getting the type constraints right took some experimentation. The key and value types do not have any constraints (any). The helper is parameterized by the key type. The helper that calls methods obviously is constrained by an interface with those methods. It confused me that the constraints that would normally be on the key type get moved to the helper, but I guess that makes sense because it is specific helpers that have requirements.

PS. Go has a built-in map type that is "generic" (but predates generics in the language). The problem is that it only works with types that have built-in hash and equals. If you need to write your own hash and equals, you can't use it.

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